One of the worlds smallest running diesel engines built by Bert Striegler. This is the engine he is most proud of.
Diesel Engines Display
Glow Plug Engines Display
Gas Engines Display
Bert Striegler at home in his shop telling the history and work behind each engine that he is so extremely proud of!
Our museum has on display one of the largest private collections of model airplane engines . This collection dates back to the 1930's and consists of over 500 Diesel, Glow, Gas engines. Bert has built several of these engines in his shop and repaired or made to run many of the engines we have on display. This collection includes single piston, dual and radial engines. All of these engines are in mint condition and all run except for the two cutaway engines that show how a model airplane engine works. This collection also hosts one of the smallest running Diesel engines in the world,-designed and built by Bert Streigler. This collection also hosts engines from about 8 other countries.
The Striegler collection is located in the Control Tower building also known as "The Striegler Complex".
Bert and Beverly Strieglers' generous donation of time and money made the control tower restoration possible.